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Geopolicity established the resource mobilization for the Elephant Protection Initiative (EPI). 


The EPI is a global initiative launched by Botswana, Chad, Ethiopia, Gabon and Tanzania which brings African Elephant range States, non-range States, intergovernmental organisations (IGOs), non-governmental organisations (NGOs), Private Sector and Private Citizens together to work in partnership to protect elephants and stop the illegal ivory trade.


Signatories are countries (both range and non-range States) which have committed to meet the aims of the EPI.  Through the EPI, all signatory countries commit to close domestic ivory markets, observe a moratorium on any consideration of future international trade for a minimum of 10 years and thereafter until African elephant populations are no longer threatened; and agree to put all stockpiles of ivory beyond economic use.


Partners include IGOs, NGOs and Private Sector Companies which are committed to the aims of the EPI. All EPI Members commit to work to achieve the aims of the EPI and to join the political global leadership to protect elephants and stop the illegal ivory trade.


The EPI is led by an elected Implementation Board of African Elephant Range State representatives, supported by the EPI Secretariat. Geopolicity reports to that Board. Together, Stop Ivory and Conservation International are the Secretariat of the EPI – formally mandated by the EPI’s founding governments to ensure its implementation.



Elephant protection resource stocktaking exercise, development and promotion of the EPI Resource Mobilization Strategy and establishment of an International Consultative Group, headed by the Right Honourable Helen Clark; former New Zealand Prime Minister and UNDP Administrator.



Resource strategy adopted by the Board, international consultative group being established.









African Range States

Elephant Protection Initiative 

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Environment and Climate

Geopolicity has played the leading role in forging a resource strategy for the Elephant Protection Initiative (EPI), an African-led response to the elephant poaching crisis. The EPI is an attempt to forge a pan-African consensus and a co-ordinated approach to ensuring a sustainable future for elephants alongside rural populations. EPI Member States have adopted Geopolicity's strategy for the mobilisation of resources with which national elephant action plans can be implemented.

John Stephenson, CEO, Stop Ivory

Elephant Protection Initiative

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